about JULKA
the faggot tour
collage series
zła (angry)
queers of today
grandpa's house
women's hell
The Faggot Tour is a collaborative project that aims to raise awareness about the harassment of queer people in the city of Rotterdam. It takes you through spots, where acts of homophobia have taken place. It is supposed to make you reflect upon your own experiences, times when you didn’t feel safe in the city.
At some point, the harassment we fall victims to becomes the norm, and we don’t think much of it. Some of us have to alter the way we dress, behave, or walk just to try and prevent someone from attacking us. We want people to realize that we can reclaim the places where we don’t feel safe. We can take the power back from the abuser.
This project goes beyond just the queer community - anyone who is a part of a marginalized group can relate to the stories shared in this tour.
2021, city tour
Mass Male Murder: The Maas Mermaid's Tale
polish insecurity